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ECE 22.05 vs. ECE 22.06-What is the difference between MC helmets?

ECE 22.05 vs. ECE 22.06-What is the difference between MC helmets?

When it comes to safety for motorcycle helmets, the ECE standards are crucial. The ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) is the standard used to certify motorcycle helmets in many countries, including Sweden. For many years, ECE 22.05 has been the current standard, but now it has been updated to ECE 22.06. But what does this update mean and what are the differences between ECE 22.05 and ECE 22.06?

What is ECE 22.05?

ECE 22.05 is a safety standard for motorcycle helmets that have been in effect since 2000. Helmets that meet this standard have undergone a series of tests that measure their ability to protect the head in the event of a collision. Tests include stroke tests, rotational samples and samples to ensure that the helmet sits properly on the head.

Helmets certified according to ECE 22.05 have been reliable and have offered good protection for motorcyclists for many years. But over time, technology has improved, and research on how brain damage occurs in accidents has developed, which has led to the need for an updated standard.

Introduction of ECE 22.06

ECE 22.06 is the new standard that replaces the ECE 22.05 and entails significant improvements in the safety requirements for helmets. The new standard introduces several important changes:

  1. Extended test scenarios: While ECE 22.05 focused on certain types of collisions, ECE 22.06 has extended the tests to include more types of accidents. This includes tests for different angles and speeds, which gives a better understanding of how the helmet performs in real situations.

  2. Rotation test: One of the most critical updates is the introduction of rotation tests. Brain damage is often caused by rotational forces in the event of an accident, and the new standard requires the helmets to pass these tests to reduce the risk of such injuries.

  3. Accessories and visor: ECE 22.06 now requires helmets to be tested with accessories such as visor and sun protection to ensure that they do not affect the safety of the helmet. This is an important improvement as many motorcyclists use such accessories.

  4. Stricter limit values: The boundaries of how much energy a helmet can transfer to the head during one stroke has been tightened. This means that helmets must be even better at absorbing energy and protecting the head in the event of an accident.

What does this mean to you as a motorcyclist?

If you are planning to buy a new helmet, it may be worth considering one that is certified according to ECE 22.06. These helmets offer improved protection and have been tested more carefully to ensure that they meet the latest security requirements. While helmets with ECE 22.05 certification are still safe and can be used, ECE 22.06 represents a step forward in the security technology.


The update from ECE 22.05 to ECE 22.06 means a significant improvement in the safety of motorcycle helmets. For motorcyclists who want the best protection, it is worth considering a helmet that meets the latest standard.